
Bathroom Partitions

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Commercial Bathroom Partitions by Dover

Dover Dock & Doors provides a variety of options for all your bathroom partition needs.

Dover’s bathroom partitions provide a durable, waterproof & secure construction.

We specialize in the installation of bathroom partitions to provide your business with the top-of-the-line restroom design and security. 

Bathroom Partitions


Bathroom partitions, also known as restroom dividers or toilet partitions, are essential components in public restrooms and commercial bathrooms.

They serve several purposes, including ensuring privacy, maintaining cleanliness, and offering a degree of security. 

Bathroom Partitions Maintenance


Dover Dock & Doors partitions baked enamel finish will require little effort and maintenance to keep the beautiful finish lasting for years.

Bathroom Partition Durability


 The finish on the partitions are extremely durable, corrosion and stain resistant, and demonstrate excellent wearability.


These powder coatings are formulated to allow the easy removal of graffiti using readily available solvents.

Tamper Proof Bathroom Partition

Tamper Proof

All bathroom partitions are assembled with superior hardware with specialized tools to prevent theft of any part.    

Bathroom Partition Overview


Bathroom partitions are available in various materials, each with its own advantages and characteristics:

Powder-Coated Steel: Durable and cost-effective, powder-coated steel partitions are a popular choice. They are resistant to corrosion and come in a variety of colors and finishes.

Plastic Laminate: These partitions are constructed from layers of paper and resin that are compressed under high pressure. They are available in a wide range of colors and patterns and are relatively easy to clean.

Solid Plastic: Made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), solid plastic partitions are resistant to moisture, vandalism, and corrosion. They are a popular choice for high-traffic areas and wet environments.

Phenolic: Phenolic partitions are constructed from layers of resin-impregnated paper and compressed under high pressure. They are highly durable, resistant to water and graffiti, and are often used in high-traffic, vandal-prone locations.

Stainless Steel: Stainless steel partitions are known for their sleek appearance and high durability. They are resistant to corrosion, making them suitable for humid environments.

Composite: Composite partitions combine materials like metal and solid plastic for a balance of durability and aesthetics.


Bathroom partitions come in various styles, including:

Overhead-Braced: These partitions are anchored to the ceiling with an overhead brace, making them suitable for areas with high ceilings.

Floor-Mounted/Headrail-Braced: These partitions are anchored to the floor and have a headrail for added stability. They are common in many commercial bathrooms.

Ceiling-Hung: These partitions are suspended from the ceiling, which makes cleaning the floor easier and creates a more open appearance.

Floor-to-Ceiling: These partitions extend from the floor to the ceiling, providing maximum privacy and stability. They are often used in upscale or high-security facilities.

Features and Options

Bathroom partitions offer various features and customization options, including:

Privacy Screens: Some partitions include privacy screens between stalls to enhance privacy.

Hardware: Choose from a variety of hardware options, including door latches, handles, and coat hooks.

Door Options: Customize doors with options like full-height doors, no-sight doors, or various window configurations.

Accessibility: Ensure your bathroom partitions comply with accessibility requirements, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Color and Finish

Select from a wide range of colors, patterns, and finishes to match the overall design of your restroom.

Bathroom partitions are crucial for maintaining the functionality and privacy of public restrooms. When selecting partitions, consider the specific needs of your facility, including durability, aesthetics, and accessibility requirements. Proper installation and maintenance are essential to ensure the longevity and functionality of bathroom partitions.

When to Get New Bathroom Partitions?

Deciding when to get new bathroom partitions depends on several factors, including the condition of your current partitions, your budget, and any changes in regulations or requirements. Here are some common situations in which you might consider getting new bathroom partitions.

Physical Damage

If your current partitions are damaged, such as broken panels, doors, or hardware, it may be time for a replacement. Damaged partitions can affect the functionality and aesthetics of your restroom.

Corrosion or Rust

In environments with high humidity or moisture, metal bathroom partitions, like powder-coated steel or stainless steel, can develop corrosion or rust over time. If this is happening, you should consider replacing them with partitions made of materials more suitable for wet environments, such as solid plastic or phenolic.

Outdated or Unattractive Appearance

If your current partitions are outdated and detract from the overall appearance of your restroom, you might consider an upgrade to improve the aesthetics.

Regulatory Changes

Changes in local building codes, accessibility regulations, or safety requirements may necessitate the replacement of existing partitions to ensure compliance with updated standards, such as ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements.

Accessibility Upgrades

If your restroom needs to be made more accessible to individuals with disabilities, you may need to install new partitions that accommodate features like wider stall widths, appropriate door handles, and proper signage.

High Maintenance Costs

If you find that you are spending a significant amount on repairs and maintenance to keep your current partitions in working order, it may be more cost-effective in the long run to invest in new, low-maintenance partitions.

Changing Needs

If your facility’s needs have changed, such as a shift in the number of users, a different focus on aesthetics, or a need for improved privacy features, it could be a good time to consider new partitions.

Improvement in Durability

Upgrading to more durable materials like solid plastic or phenolic may be necessary if you are experiencing problems with vandalism or excessive wear and tear.

Resale Value or Tenant Satisfaction

If you are a commercial property owner, updating restroom partitions can improve the overall appeal and functionality of the space, potentially increasing the resale value of the property or tenant satisfaction.

Safety and Hygiene Concerns

In the wake of a health or safety concern, such as a disease outbreak, you may need to replace partitions to improve sanitation or address concerns about shared restroom spaces.

When considering new bathroom partitions, it is important to consult with a professional installer or contractor who can assess your specific needs, provide recommendations, and ensure that the new partitions meet current regulations and standards. Proper installation and maintenance are also essential to keep the partitions in good working condition and extend their lifespan.